Monday, August 4, 2008

Late to the Party

So, I finally got around to visiting Seth Harwood's latest project Crimewav, which now features five podcasted stories from various authors including Jason Starr, Gary Phillips, Christa Faust and Vicki Hendricks, who is twisted. Her story "Must Bite" is, uh, freaky. (Part 1, Part 2). You might not want to listen to it if you have a problem with chimp on human action. And if you don't have a problem with that sort of thing, I don;t want to know, so keep it to yourself.

Being able to hear authors read there own work while lying on your bed make's this the lazy man's way to engage with short stories, so if you are wiped out after a long day, as I often am, you can just click your mouse listen. Pretty convenient.

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